
Sussex County Golf Ltd


Sussex 1st Team Vs Kent

12th May 2024 - Cooden Beach Golf Club

Spring finally sprung for the first league match of the season at Cooden Beach.
The weather was stunning and with a light easterly wind for the practice round and match day it meant the Sussex preparations were exemplary.

The morning Foursomes saw a 2-2 draw, poised beautifully.

The afternoon singles was nothing short of a display of golf.
A small example of the preparation that goes into these matches was demonstrated on the 5th hole.
I watched with a keen eye as Kent had an entirely different approach to the hole.
In general terms Kent too driver and took on the hole a drivable par 4.
Sussex prepared for this by laying up to perfect gap wedge distance and of the games I saw on that hole in the afternoon 3 resulted in birdies and the win.
We discussed, theorised, dissected and agreed a collective approach to the hole. (It paid dividends)

Harry Malin out at number 1 for Sussex produced 8 birdies on his way to a half!!

That kind of set the tone for the standard.

Drew Sykes backed him up with a comprehensive 6&4 victory. (He was -6 when he won

Steve Mitchell followed him in with a win on 18 to bring another Sussex point in, following a tight game.

Morton Bailey was number 4 and again closed out a tight match on 18. (It should be noted that Morton was on his debut for Sussex Men’s 1st team and his proud family watched on as he brought in the point.)

Sam Russell was next up and produced a solid display for an admirable half losing the 18th to a birdie.

Matt Greenfield (7) and Nick Ward (8) succumbed to a fantastic display from Kent and gave some hope.

Enter the stage for Sussex’s Jon Exon-Taylor.
1 down stepping onto the 17th tee, Jon produced grit and determination to win 17 and 18 to bring the win home for Sussex…

I’m very proud to support and lead this squad, it’s a squad that I pick a team from, they are all engaged and have brought into the vision of Sussex County Golf.

We’ve analysed and identified areas to improve upon through the wet winter months and as a coaching team with Steve Orr and Russ Evans and ably supported by Steve (Scobie) Watts, we’ve produced a solid win today.

Onwards to Royal Eastbourne GC and Sussex v Surrey on Sunday 9th June all support is appreciated and welcomed.

Lastly, on behalf of Sussex County Golf, I’d like to thank the officers and members of Cooden Beach GC for hosting us so well…


Julian Deans
County Captain


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