
Sussex County Golf Ltd

East Sussex National Seaford Golf Club Bognor Golf Club Cooden Beach Golf Club Cowdray Park Golf Club Dale Hill Dyke Golf Club Hill Barn Golf Club Horsham Golf Club Mid Sussex Golf Club Piltdown Golf Club Rustington Golf Club Sedlescome Golf Club Singing Hills West Hove Golf Club Willingdon Golf Club Worthing Golf Club Highwoods Golf Club

Sussex County Golf

Championship Policies

General Championship Conditions

Sussex County Golf Competitions and Championships are open only to members of Clubs affiliated to Sussex County Golf.

All players must hold Amateur Status and be in possession of a current WHS Handicap Index.

In addition, Championship Events (i.e. County Amateur, Foursomes, Veterans, Seniors, Boys and Junior Championships) are restricted to those who have not competed in a Championship of another County or represented another County in matches in the same calendar year as the date of the Championship.

Sussex County Golf or any delegated authority thereof reserves the right to refuse entry to any Competition or Championship and is not obliged to state the reason for such refusal.

Clubs with more than one course must use their ‘main’ course for all County Competitions and Championships.

County Competitions and Championships will be played in accordance with: The Rules of Golf as approved by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews
The Local Rules for all County Competitions and Championships will be as set out on the latest England Golf Hard Card.

The latest England Golf Hard Card together with any additions or amendments published by Sussex County Golf at the venue will be the only Local Rules.  The local rules of the host Golf Club will not apply.

Sussex County Golf have adopted the England Golf Transport Policy.  Transportation-policy.pdf (

A competitor shall not knowingly make use of any drug to enhance his performance. Attention is drawn to the list of prescribed drugs issued by the UK Sports Council or SPORT ENGLAND. Any competitor infringing this condition or, if asked to do so, refusing to take a test, may be disqualified.
The “Tournament Controller” for each County Competition and Championship will be the County Secretary or their designate.

12.For County Championship events, host Clubs may grant a practice round at a reduced fee, which will be no more than the applicable County Card Rate. Competitors wishing to have a practice round before any event must make arrangements in advance with the relevant host Club.

Unless the provision of a meal forms part of the Entry Fee, competitors requiring food are advised to make their own arrangements for snacks or meals with the host club on arrival.

If prize winners do not attend presentations without excusing themselves with the Tournament Controller, they shall forfeit their prize.

Winners Responsibilities: A competition winner (an individual or a Club), will be fully responsible for the Trophy from the time it is presented until it is physically returned to the Sussex County Golf Office. The winning individual or winning Club shall also ensure that the Trophy is returned to the Sussex County Golf Office before the following year’s Championship/Competition, suitably engraved and cleaned.

Sussex County Golf reserves the right to alter the format of any Championship or Competition.

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